Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Introducing… RAEGAN!

As most of you already know (due to the amazing efficiencies of Facebook spamming), we are having a little GIRL!  We have been kicking around the name REGAN for quite some time now, although I’m not sure that we have finalized the spelling.  Maybe… RAY GUN!  Hmm… maybe not.  In any case… Quinn will soon have a little sister, and it will be 4 against 1 (if you count Cooper… but I’m not sure that she even knows that she’s a girl!)

We are stoked!


Denise said...

Congratulations!!!!! We are so excited for you. Raegen was a name we were kicking around when we had Ethan (in case he was a girl). Jason, you better start saving up for those shopping trips, weddings and whatnot. Seriously, congrats-how fun to have two girls in a row.

Jordan said...

That is awesome. Her and Q will be BEST friends!!!

The Bingham's said...

YAHOO!!! Little girls rule that world. They will be the best of friends and the best of enemies. HEHEHE!! I am so excited for you guys.

G and G (Victor/ Cindy) said...

That is so awesome! 2 little girls - fun for sure. We just had our granddaughter born in March and they named her Reagan (they are doing presidents - so they went with Ronald Reagan's spelling.
So happy for the Wheelers to have another little one. Love you all ((hugs))

jenny said...

congratulations you guys! i am glad to see you're blogging again, i never gave up on you!
i love the name reagan. that is the name of one of my new good friends here, so i have fantastic association with it.

Celeste M. Amazing said...

Congrats.. I didn't know you Blogged again.
Rage is fantastic... I lava that name.